Inventing Robotic Mechanisms (基調講演)
○多田隈 建二郎
Toroidal Origami Monotrack: Mechanism to Realize Smooth Driving and Bending for Closed-Skin-Drive Robots
○渡辺 将広
Experimental Study of the Mechanical Properties of a Spherical Parallel Link Mechanism with Arc Prismatic Pairs
○西城 直人(2022年3月 博士前期課程修了生)
LayoutSLAM: Object Layout Based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping for Reducing Object Map Distortion
○軍司 健太
Loading an Autonomous Large-Scale Dump Truck: Path Planning Based on Motion Data from Human-Operated Construction Vehicles
○大野 和則
Cooperative Towing by Multi-Robot System That Maintains Welding Cable in Optimized Shape
○鈴木 崚太(2022年3月 博士前期課程修了生)
Anisotropic-Stiffness Belt in Mono Wheeled Flexible Track for Rough Terrain Locomotion
○小澤 悠