2016年10月9-14日に韓国Daejeonにて開催されたIROS2016にて,当研究室のThomas Westfechtel,船水貴仁,小島匠太郎,Carl John Salaan,市村友哉,石井拓麻が発表しました.
また,小島,市村が,IEEE RAS Japan Joint Chapter Young Awardを受賞しました.
Thomas Westfechtel, "3D Graph Based Stairway Detection and Localization for Mobile Robots"
船水貴仁, "Visuo-Haptic Transmission of Contact Information Improve Operation of Active Scope Camera"
小島匠太郎, "Motion Control of Tracked Vehicle Based on Contact Force Model"
Carl John Salaan, "Improvement of UAV's Flight Performance by Reducing the Drag Force of Spherical Shell"
市村友哉, "Development of a Spherical Tether-Handling Device with a Coupled Differential Mechanism for Tethered Teleoperated Robots"
石井拓麻, "Real-Time Restoration of Aerial Inspection Images by Recognizing and Removing Passive Rotating Shell of a UAV"